Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Time Period Of Late Colonial And Revolutionary America

During the time period of late colonial and revolutionary America, change emerged with great occurrence. Society and the individuals that shaped its very being were influenced greatly by not just the land around them, but the people who came forth and represented it. From 1787 to 1861, America experienced an increased fluctuate of these particular individuals. For example Alexander Hamilton, Frederick Douglas, and Andrew Jackson. Each of those named reigned in their own quarters leaving an influential mark in cultural and political domains. One being one of America’s founding fathers, another being a highly revered social reformer, and lastly one who served as the seventh president of the United States. To be a white man owning a considerable amount of property meant that their â€Å"voice† was valid, considerably they had a decision on the direction America would go. However, not everyone fit into the standards that defined the white man who held a voice. To be alive during the time of a highly judgmental society having a voice was faced with high criticism. It was background information and social status swayed over the people. Diversity between these two factors shaped the voices of American society, molding experience into the men and women who left their influence on American history. Who is Alexander Hamilton? Hamilton was born in the British West Indies. He became a clerk at the age of 11 under a businessman named Nicolas Cruger. This businessman found a way to sendShow MoreRelatedWhat Factors During The Colonial Period Essay1636 Words   |  7 Pagesduring the colonial period led to American colonists declaring independence from the British Empire? Be sure to discuss the economic, political, and cultural aspects of the American Revolution. 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