Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Human Rights Violation in Burma Essay - 932 Words

Given the level of corruption and the human right violation that is ongoing in Burma today, no wonder that there are concerns about the backfire of the FDI. Lived experience of the population: In recently published article about the relocation of people who live in the areas designed for the new hydropower or agriculture projects the authors highlight how the local communities’ rights are being neglected. The dialogue with local farmers revealed the ugly truth about the relocation of villages from areas that have been designated as a Special Economic Zones. ‘Land confiscation is a telling metaphor for the development model of the Myanmar government’ (Maria, Bloomer 2014). Indeed, In the name of development, whole villages are being†¦show more content†¦For example the dam projects are fought on the grounds of their use of local ethnic minority communities as forced labour, for the submersion of villages, forests and arable lands, for the adverse effects on food security and fisheries and for the environmental and biodiversity degradation and the loss of ethnic sovereignty over natural resources (Simpson cited in Kattelus, Rahaman, Varis 2013). Moreover, ‘many major Chinese investors, financers and equipment suppliers developing dams abroad continue to lack environmental or human rights policies or they have developed policies that are not in line with international standards’ (Kattelus, Rahaman, Varis 2013, p.8). Policy gaps in attempts for ‘responsible investment’: Western governments are aware of the dangers that FDI poses and have established a framework of policies for investors in Burma to ensure they abide human rights standards, including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (consilium.europa 2013). The Guiding Principles set out the basic labour and human rights and acknowledge that the economic growth is essential but is not sufficient to ensure equality, social progress and the eradication of poverty. In other words such policies are aiming to warn and protect the businesses from being accused ofShow MoreRelatedUnion Oil Company of California1026 Words   |  4 Pagesyears. In 1992, to find private companies to help develop Yadana Field, the Burma government had formed a state-owned company named the Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE). 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Monday, December 16, 2019

The Duration Of Coaching Csa Trinity Education Essay Free Essays

string(39) " cognition in different organisations\." Knowledge is deemed an indispensable portion of training within any clean environment. Furthermore, within any clean environment all managers require some sort of training cognition whether novitiate or expert in which constructed throughout life or coaching experiences. Coaching cognition is critical whether planning, coach/athlete relationship, analysing, and observation etc†¦ In which is important towards participants larning. We will write a custom essay sample on The Duration Of Coaching Csa Trinity Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Therefore, the intent of this paper is to find whether any cognition has been extended and how farther cognition can be constructed to heighten personal coaching towards accomplishing long clip personal end of expertness coaching. This will be completed via 20 completed hours with the CSA Trinity ( CSA ) and training Sessionss which were delivered within the 12 hebdomads at Oxford Brookes University to detect if any patterned advance from a novitiate to expert knowledge base manager. Phases of development Throughout the continuance of training CSA three Football Club training observations were deployed towards myself via feedback from participants and parents to find what training degree public presentation stood. Mention to appendix 5, manager public presentation feedback sheets. As Bloom ( 1985 ) provinces, three stages of the faculty include induction, development and flawlessness in which designed to better immature jocks within a suited environment and hence enhances the development of expertness. However, a somewhat different position from Dreyfus and Dreyfus ( 1986 ) whereby expertise accomplishment involves five phases of completion novitiate, advanced novice, competent, proficient and expert within anyone ‘s field of expertness. Conversely, farther surveies demonstrate several transmutations of athletics context as Cote ( 1999 ) adopted four phases and designed a faculty to raising and develop participants, but besides could drop out at different phases in required duri ng the sampling, specialising, investing and diversion stages. Another theoretical account as Bush and Roberts ( 2011 ) Schempp et Al ( 2006 ) suggest managers ‘ demands of going an adept practician involve extended cognition base. However, in order to make drawn-out cognition base managers require commence through four phases of development, novitiate, competent, proficient and expert. Though each theoretical account demands are important in order for development to make a 1 ‘s end â€Å" expertness † significantly for different types of work industries and degrees of abilities. However, Hargreaves and bate ( 2009 ) province ; experience and cognition are good as developing and training the participants within the session to obtain improved accomplishments and cognition of the game, instead than running a session via accretion drills. Furthermore, Bush and Roberts ( 2011 ) Schempp et Al ( 2006 ) suggest, novice accent lay on participant ‘s behaviors than slightly developing the participant and hence, no future battle of cognition to better acquisition. However, Schempp et Al ( 2006 ) continues, within the competent stage, cognition is consumed to diminish the sum of errors that occur, but every bit concerned with regulations, such as no speaking policy when manager is speaking. Therefore, competent coaching within the first five or six hebdomads at University and ( CSA ) as somewhat confounding due to letters of information received within talks. Consequently, deficiency of experience and cognition prevailed as proficient cognition, contemplations ; planning, coach/athlete relationship and coaching manners etcaˆÂ ¦ were slightly a learning stage and hence running alternatively of training a session in which no acquisition or developments took topographic point when presenting Sessionss. Mention to appendix 4, brooding journal and one to six hebdomads of session evaluations/reflections for under 8 ‘s and 11 ‘s. For that ground, building cognition was the following phase in order to accomplish a degree of proficiency as Perlus ( 2008 ) feels that, training cognition comes from personal experiences, i.e. playing the athletics, expertise degree and context etcaˆÂ ¦ and hence playing ability is indispensable in which refines training cognition. However, these properties would hold a certain grade of effectivity, although non indispensable to go an adept manager. For illustration, Linford Christie ‘s ex-coach Ron Roddan highest accomplishment was running for his county Middlesex and Jose Mourinho current Real Madrid director both encountered short low profile, playing callings. As Carter ( 2006 ) provinces, Jose Mourinho playing calling was really brief, nevertheless, during his brief enchantment as a participant whilst analyzing football methodological analysis within Lisbon ‘s Sports University. Therefore, increased his cognition base in which Mourinho encountered all phases t o expertise which lead him to assorted assistant/manager occupations at high-profile nines. However, deriving experience from old playing calling is non indispensable to derive expertness cognition. Whether professional jock or playing recreational athleticss expertness cognition can be gained through sheer finding and motive and create solid foundation within training. Therefore, indispensable for different facets to derive cognition, i.e. experiences, books, diaries, analyzing public presentation, playing experience and detecting other coaches- penetration into tactics and technique and feedback are important constituents to make coveted end of expertness. Mention to appendix 1,2,3,4 and 5 of portfolio. However, deriving expert cognition requires hours and old ages of deliberate pattern harmonizing to Ericsson and Charness ( 1994 ) , Nelson et Al ( 2006 ) , Ericsson et Al ( 1993 ) , Schempp et Al ( 2006 ) , cote ( 2006 ) and Gilbert et Al ( 2006 ) which are from different Fieldss and slightly indecisive within the continuance and experience to necessitate expertness cognition base. Nevertheless, all theories fluctuate and suggest five, 10 and 13 old ages, 3,000 to10,000 hours to make full potency. However, Schempp et Al ( 2006 ) provinces, adept cognition are neither familial nor typical features, but fineness within training which instruction and experience in which can be expanded over hours or old ages of deliberate pattern dependant on the single motive of success. Though, depending on what type of coach/person, sheer finding, personality, visions, passion, motive and ends etcaˆÂ ¦ you possess cognition. Hence, experience could be administered quicker to stand out from novi tiate to expert to accomplish the end they require as Schempp et Al ( 2006 ) points justly out. Finally, if required plenty cognition and content with the degree of coaching/knowledge, managers may choose to halt if gained a degree of efficiency. Another method which coaches concept cognition is formal, non-formal and informal manager larning whereby ongoing and womb-to-tomb development to build farther cognition in different organisations. You read "The Duration Of Coaching Csa Trinity Education Essay" in category "Essay examples" As Nelson et Al ( 2006 ) , Bush and Roberts ( 2011 ) , Smilde ( 2009 ) and Edwards et Al ( 2006 ) study that, formal acquisition is institutionalized and organised instruction system with inactive or additive learning aims and chief focal point is the merchandise and non the procedure for illustration, course of study administrations i.e. BTEC, national government organic structure ( NGB ) classs and degrees-foundation grades etc.. â€Å" enfranchisement constructed † . For case Ehlers ( 1998 ) found that, disadvantages occur within formal larning ‘learners remember merely 20 % of the information presented during a formal lesson ‘ . Consequently, formal acquisition has no consideration for the individual/learner and low impact on cognition and hence, decreases the trouble of the demands of the manager. For illustration, managers, possibly hesitant when using cognition to pattern, when and how to train. Although, Nelson et Al ( 2006 ) , Bush and Roberts ( 2011 ) , Smilde ( 2009 ) and Edwards et Al ( 2006 ) continues, non-formal acquisition takes topographic point outside formal acquisition within workshops, groups, administrations and best pattern etcaˆÂ ¦ acquisition does non happen, because, on the other manus good for basic apprehension. However, inordinately hard to mensurate if learning/knowledge has taking topographic point as no base on balls or fail occurs and hence, does non supply a model which is critical for building training cognition. Though, Informal larning consists of building cognition, developing accomplishments and behaviors which benefit training pattern via the usage of diaries, books, pictures and autonomy etcaˆÂ ¦ . Therefore, research and acquisition within the environment over ongoing life long procedure is good for expertness cognition. For illustration, detecting to dispute something, reflecting in ( within session ) and on ( after session ) pra ctical, proficient and critical jobs can make a deeper acquisition or development of training cognition. Mention to appendix 6, readings-development of adept training page 2 and 6. However, persons are slightly different and learn at different velocities, ways. Therefore, to make a sound cognition base, formal and non-formal acquisition would supply non merely enfranchisement, but a foundation for patterns, drills and the rudimentss apprehension of the coaching environment. However, informal, the most good, but using cognition from informal with the usage of the non-formal and informal would turn out slightly good for some persons within the coaching environment. Hence, persons learn otherwise i.e. in their ain in manner which they feel conformable, see different chances to detect the result themselves etcaˆÂ ¦ to accomplish a certain end. Areas of cognition The sentiment of Cassidy et Al ( 2004 ) and Robyn et Al ( 2008 ) is that, the work from researcher Shulman ( 1986 ) in respects to content cognition required three subdivisions, capable affair content cognition ( SMCK ) refers to the manager and cognition to present a session i.e. nucleus accomplishments accomplished by the participants whilst the regulations are coached etcaˆÂ ¦ pedagogical content cognition ( PCK ) is the ability to learn or pass on whilst engaged with the ( SMCK ) participants. Finally, course of study content cognition ( CCK ) ‘tools of the trade ‘ as mentioned by Robyn et Al ( 2008 ) , intending explicating and analyzing the capable affair towards pupil acquisition. However, Metzler ( 2000 ) suggests, Shulman ‘s work is a great get downing point in respects to content cognition. However, Metzler ( 2000 ) continues, farther dislocation of the current constituents into a farther three classs declarative, procedural and conditional cognition would be good as it would go confidant within the designated athletics. Therefore, Metzler ( 2000 ) and Bush and Roberts ( 2011 ) portion the same position in that declaratory cognition ( DK ) in which managers explains and show verbally or within a written format, i.e. the cognition about and facts and things. Metzler ( 2000 ) and Bush and Roberts ( 2011 ) continue, procedural cognition ( PK ) , intending â€Å" knowledge how too/ how to accomplish it † i.e. how to execute a undertaking or process and conditional cognition refers to when and why to make something and what happens if. Refer to appendix 6, readings-development of adept training pages 5-6. However, both Metzler ( 2000 ) and Shulman ( 1986 ) in respects to all classs are slightly good when using both methods together within the coaching environment whereby managers can better participants ‘ public presentations and hence, larning takes topographic point as the cognition to acquire something done had occurred â€Å" adept Coaches † . Mention to appendix 2 Sessionss plans 9 and 10 of both under 8 ‘ As ; 11 ‘s. The latter phases of the 20 hours training and lectures going more confident as expanded cognition and experience was clearly apparent as some larning took topographic point. Therefore, proficient cognition, reflections/evaluating, planning, coach/athlete relationship and coaching manners etcaˆÂ ¦were developing together non merely certain facets of coaching. However, due to huge accrued cognition and experience proficient cognition base was more distinguished, but still needs betterment. Mention to appendix 4, brooding journal and seven to ten hebdomads of session evaluations/reflections for under 8 ‘s and 11 ‘s. Though, concentrating more on the participants ‘ performance/development, participant battle instead than running a session as before. However, expert knowledge more formidable and hence, more cognition and experience required to make lifetime end â€Å" adept cognition base manager † . As Schempp et Al ( 2006 ) Wiman et Al ( 2010 ) conclude to derive expertness cognition involves changeless planning for coveted results of Sessionss, deriving cognition all the clip via diaries, books, workshops, programmes which involve enfranchisement etc.aˆÂ ¦ Furthermore, larning and detecting from other adept managers, experience etc†¦ Refer to appendix 5, peer observations-strengths/weaknesses Decision Given this grounds, it can be seen that managers get cognition they need to be effectual and adept manager via different methods through a figure of formal, non-formal and informal acquisition environments. However, larning is diverse and dynamic procedure in which is really typical and hence, different to being taught something within instruction. Therefore, indispensable to derive cognition through all types of experiences from playing recreational to professional athleticss, reading diaries or books, written work, workshops programmes which involve enfranchisement etcaˆÂ ¦ Furthermore, deriving expert cognition requires hours and old ages of deliberate pattern all dependant on what type of attitude the coach/person requires as sheer finding, passion, and motive to make the coveted ends could stand out towards the journey of dream end â€Å" adept manager † . How to cite The Duration Of Coaching Csa Trinity Education Essay, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Johnson Bronwyn Case Study for Rape Victims -myassignmenthelp

Questions: 1. What help can you offer her regarding her social situation?2.How will you address the issue of alleged rape? What is the legislation around reporting for domestic violence in your state or territory and what is the process for reporting? Answers: 1. The strongest necessity for Bronwyn is the need for a safe shelter. Bronwyn admits that she is living rough and she has no contact with her parents. Apparently, the lack of a safe shelter is the major contributing factor to her misfortunes. In this case, I will ensure that I provide her with a safe shelter from where she can access maternity care and treatment of her infections. Second, I will enroll her to a recovery center. Bronwyn agrees to have been sexually active for about two years with many sexual partners. She also claims that she was raped and she is not sure who the father of the baby she is expecting is. In her social situation, she must have met with shady individuals, which might have left her with psychological and emotional damage that can lead to mental illness (Mulla, 2014). Therefore, it is important for Bronwyn to go through rehabilitation and counseling as part of her recovery in order to gain a sense of self. 2. The most important consideration when addressing an issue of alleged rape is by determining the wants of the alleged victim. It is clear that Bronwyn decided not to report the incident to the police other than talking about it to the nurses who are bound by their ethical practice to respect her privacy. However, I will first assure the victim that she is going to be treated with dignity. I will then go ahead to take a well-detailed medical and verbal history of the alleged incident and ask questions regarding her sexual history. This helps to accurately make a report and make the laboratory staff aware of consensual partners who may have interacted with the patient after the incident (Haazelwood Burgess, 2016). Thereafter, I will explain the purpose and nature of the examination to the patient which is meant to collect any evidence for court purposes. I will also carry out a complete body medical examination and collect necessary samples. Further, I will obtain a written consent from the victim for medical evidence to be obtained and disclosed to a court of law. Lastly, I will record the detailed findings of my examination. In New South Wales, Part 13A of the Crimes Act 2007 requires service providers to make mandatory reports of any relevant information about perpetrators and victims of domestic violence (Phillips Vandenbroek, 2014). The process of reporting domestic violence in my state begins with a service provider completing a mandatory report guide and taking the appropriate action as required by the law(Mulla, 2014). They could make a report to a child protection helpline or make a referral to any of the prescribed organizations such as the NSW police force (Taylor, Ibrahim, Wakefield Finn, 2015). References Haazelwood, R. R., Burgess, A. W. (Eds). (2016). Practical aspects of rape investigation: A multidisciplinary approach. CRC Press. Mulla, S. (2014). The violence of care: Rape victims, forensic nurses, and sexual assault intervention. NYU Press. Phillips, J., Vandenbroek, P. (2014). Domestic, family and sexual violence in Australia: an overview of the issues. Department of Parliamentary Services, Parliamentary Library. Taylor, A., Ibrahim, N., Wakefield, S., Finn, K. (2015). Domestic and family violence protection orders in Australia: An investigation of information sharing and enforcement. State of knowledge paper.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Effects Of Advertising On Teens Essays - Marketing,

The Effects Of Advertising On Teens The effects of 2 People see advertisements all around the globe that attempt to lure consumers to buy products. Advertisements are placed in newspapers, magazines, schools, and on billboards everywhere. According to marketing consultants Stan Rapp and Tom Collins, on a typical day, an average American sees over 5,000 advertisements a day (Gay, 1992). Many questions arise about these advertisements, such as Is advertising deceptive? Does it create or perpetuate stereotypes? Does it create conformity? Does it create insecurity in order to sell goods? Does it cause people to buy things that they really dont need?(Alexander & Hanson, 1993, p. 240). Advertisers use specific methods to target teen consumers, but these methods are not always successful or ethical. Advertising is giving the general public information about new goods and trying to increase overall sales, which increases the efficiency of the nations economy. It is supposed to be a significant way of getting the point across about a product and create motivation for people to buy. Advertising alone, however, does not get customers. It simply catches consumers attention, gets them to walk up to a shelf, and make an impulsive purchase. However, getting the customer back requires a more creative marketing approach. There are several ways to research consumers behaviors, likes, and dislikes. The most popular method is tests and surveys, both before and after a product is introduced. Telephone surveys are very common, but they take several thousand calls to get a substantial number of responses to work with. Along with those, written questionnaires and samples, either handed out in stores or sent by mail, are effective tests to see if consumers like a product or not. The reactions to the samples, results of questionnaires, and number of participants are all recorded as The effects of 3 a part of the researching process to come up with effective ads. All of this data collected also has other purposes, such as information on warranties and which groups to target for certain products. Companies also check whether the ads are being productive by means of comparing the money made and number of sales during periods of advertising to those during a time of no advertising. Some companies even allow average consumers to preview a commercial to get a response. As a result, companies learn what consumers want before wasting money on useless ads. A well-known advertising strategy is making consumers feel insecure and creating fears that can be overcome by buying. Advertising reveals the latest fashions and the new popular novelties on the market. It exhibits perfect individuals wearing the new styles and looking good. Consumers observe this perfection and envy it. Therefore, they go out and buy in hopes of reaching perfection. Furthermore, being an accepted member of society has become very important to most individuals. For instance, the presence of body odor on individuals makes them an outcast in society. Advertisers use this knowledge to their advantage by developing ads that show a person using deodorant and being recognized as popular. Fear also works into the whole advertising process. Due to the fear by consumers that they will not fit in, they pay close attention to the new ads for the new looks, which gives advertisers more drive to make their ads portray the ideal person. Advertisers also insure that ads are simply informational, but many disagree and believe that they are definitely persuasive. According to Douglas Kellner, a professor of philosophy, as early as the 1920s, advertising critics argue that ads began to persuade Americans, due to the new invention of the assembly lines and the concept of corporations, that buying material The effects of 4 goods was the thing to do. They tried convincing people that spending hard-earned dollars on items that could be hand-made was the new accepted behavior that would enhance their lives (Alexander s work enjoying an ice-cold beer to relax him. They also argue that ads give people the impression that products can give them talent. Take athletics, for example. Nike

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Matchmaker Essays - English-language Films, Literature

The Matchmaker Essays - English-language Films, Literature The Matchmaker The Matchmaker has four main characters Mrs. Dolly Levi, Mr. Horace Vandergelder, Cornelius Hackl, and Mrs. Irene Molloy. Each character has his or her own personality, but one thing that each character has in common is that they want some type of adventure or change in their life. How they go about these changes they each do differently. Mrs. Dolly Levi is a lady who likes to get what she wants. She has ambitions and likes to live life to its fullist. These are all positive characteristics about Mrs. Levi. It is how she goes about getting what she wants that makes her a interesting character. Mrs. Levi enjoys getting into other peoples business and telling them how to conduct their lives. Even though that fits her job description as a matchmaker, she goes about doing it in a very manipulitive way. I, Mrs. Dolly Levi, intend to make the most of my life. I want to spend lots of money and enjoy doing it. I want to marry Mr. Vandergelder and I will lie and cheat in order to do so. Without money I am not happy and I want to be happy, that is why I will marry Mr. Vandergelder. I think that Mr. Vandergelder is a nice old man on the inside once you get past his grumpy facade. He needs a little excitement in his life and I will give it to him. Mr. Horace Vandergelder is a stingy, cruel and miserable old man. He wants things done his way or no way at all. If things are not the way he wants them they are wrong and foolish. Horace has all this money and has nothing to spend it on. He just wants to control his nieces life. For the first time it seems, in this play, he realizes he may want to take a little risk in his life. I, Mr. Horace Vandergelder, want to get married. I am willing to take the first risk that I have taken in a long time and get married. I need a little bit of order in my house and that is what a wife will do for me. I like Mrs. Levi, mainly because I am paying her to find a suitible wife for me. I love my niece Ermengarde but she is a fool for wanting to marry Ambrose, a man with no money. I do not understand why she would want to marry a poor artist. Cornelius Hackl is a very spontaneous character who is the most willing to take large risks in his life. He is now thirty-three and realizes that his life is not moving as fast as he would like for it to. This is why he chose to go to New York and do something about it and it sure paid off for him. Cornelius is a leader and not afraid to take chances. He feels a great need for adventure in his life and takes Barnaby with him. I, Cornelius, am getting too old to have the same position that I have had at work for so long now. I feel that I need a change in my life, an adventure. Even if I need to risk everything I have, which is not much, I am willing to do it to get something more out of my life. I am really fed up with Mr. Vandergelder always bossing me around and never showing me any gratification for it. He does not appreciate anything that I have ever done for him. Barnaby is one of my best friends and it is my responsibility to show him how to have a good time and make life a little adventerous. Mrs. Molloy is the kind of women that I have always wanted, I dream about marrying her. Mrs. Irene Molloy, is another character who is searching for some kind of adventure in her life. Mrs. Molloy, like Mr. Vandergelder, is looking to get married. She says she wants to marry a husband who will have good fights with her. Mrs. Molloy despite having strange views on marriage is a very nice lady who was willing to help Barnaby and Cornelius when they were in

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Stop Running Out of Time on ACT Reading

How to Stop Running Out of Time on ACT Reading SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Running out of time on any test is extremely frustrating.For me, it’s always a fight between my anxiety arising from racing the clock and the feeling of "if only I had more time, I could do better!" (spoiler: no matter which feeling wins, I lose). It’s even worse on tests like the SAT and ACT because they’re so lengthy:if you run out of time on a section, you don't get the relief of "Well, at least I'm done with the test" because you have to move right on to the next section. Since you can’t actually stretch out time (probably?) and, except under special circumstances, can’t get extra time, you'll need another solution to help you avoid running out of time on the ACT. So what strategies can you use? I’ll discuss the top misconception students have about running out of time on the ACT Reading section and give you strategies to avoid running out of time. First, however, I want to do a quick run-through of the timing for ACT Reading- after all, to stop running out of time on it, you must first know its basic layout. We have an in-depth explanation of this in another article, but in case you don't have time to read it, I've written up a summary below. Feature Image:William Warby/Flickr How Long Is the ACT Reading Section? The ACT Reading section is the third section of the ACT and consists of 40 questions on passages in four subject areas (humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, literary fiction). In total, you'll have 35 minutes for the section. Usually, there's just one long passage per subject, but on occasion there will be a couple of shorter passages with questions that ask you to compare things across passages. We have more on what's actually tested in ACT Reading in this article. ACT Reading questions come in five main varieties: Main idea:What’s the main point or theme of the passage? Detail: Given specific information from the text, explain the meaning and/or function. Development: In what order are ideas arranged in the passage? Vocabulary: As used in the passage, what does a word or phrase mean? Implied Ideas: From what's written in the passage, what can you infer about the author or subject? Voice: What is the tone or style of the author? (subset of inference questions) Find out more from our detailed guide on the best approach to take when reading ACT passages. A Big Misconception: Reading Fast = High ACT Reading Score Excelling on the ACT Reading section is not just about reading speed- otherwise, it'd be called the ACT Reading Race (or something like that). If you read a lot, or read quickly, that might give you a little bit of an edge. But reading fast inno way guarantees that you'll excel on ACT Reading or that you won’t feel rushed. If you’re a slow reader, you might be thinking, "Yeah, right. I’m already starting from behind since I'm a slow reader. There's no way I'll be able to finish the ACT Reading section." False. I will illustrate just how false this is with a case study ... of myself. I've always read pretty quickly and voraciously. In high school, I started keeping track of the books I was finishing because I was a huge nerd and wanted statistics. I found that I was completing about one book every three days. When I took a timed ACT practice test recently, however, I found that I felt really pressed for time. My first response: "Wait, what? I'm never, ever strapped fortime when it comes to reading (unless there's somewhere I have to be and I just want to finish one last page ... chapter ... book ... oops)." So what the heck was going on? Why did I feel as if I was running out of time, even though I read quickly? The Main Issue: I Didn’t Prepare for the ACT Clearly, the issue was not that I don't read enough. What was actually lacking was experience with the ACT Reading section.For example, I didn’t know that there were 10 questions for each of the four passages. I didn't realize that there were only four passages, and I wasn't familiar with all the question types. I also didn’t keep track of time as I was going through the test until the very end when I realized, "Ahhhh! I have five minutes left! How did this happen?!" And so on. In reality, the key to doing well on ACT Reading is to be able to skim text while also retaining meaning.If you're a slow reader, you can learn to effectively skim with practice. But if you're a fast reader, you must be aware that ACT Reading is much denser than your average novel; you'll need to practice to be able to extract important information from the ACT passages. The Solution: Practice, Practice, Practice It’s not just the way to get to Carnegie Hall (as the old music joke goes)- practice will get you places with test prep as well. But just doing some desultory, half-hearted practice isn't enough. You must practice and study effectively. When studying for ACT Reading, there are three main areas you'll need to focus on to get better at finishing the section in time. We'll cover those next. Tip 1: Practice Monitoring Your Time The first skill to practice is keeping track of your time. Read on to learn exactly how to do this. Know How Long You're Taking on Each Question If you find you’re taking too much time on a single question, mark it and come back to it when you're reviewing your answers later. But what is "too much time"? The answer to this depends on your target score and/or on the score you're aiming for on a particular section.Therefore, when preparing for the ACT Reading section, you must know your raw and scaled target scores. Why does this matter?If you’re aiming for a lower target score, you can skip more questions and spend more time on the questions you do know how to answer. Remember, the ACT Reading section contains 40 questions that you have to answer in 35 minutes: if you’re spending more than a minute on a question, you’re going to run into problems. The 52-ish seconds-per-question time limit only applies, however, if you're aiming for a perfect or near-perfect score and need to give every question a fair shot. If you're aiming for a 25, on the other hand, you can guess on the hardest 10-12 Reading questions and focus your energies on easier questions (though of course which questions are easier depends on the person). This also means you'll get more time to spend on these questions.If you only need to answer 28 questions correctly to reach your target score, you can spend up to 23 seconds more per question (28 questions in 35 minutes vs 40 questions in 35 minutes ... and you thought there wouldn't be math in this article). Know How Much Time You Have Left While You're Taking the Test This doesn’t necessarily mean dividing up the time beforehand, as in, "OK, I have 35 minutes and four passages, so I should take eight minutes on each passage and answers the first time through. Then I’ll have eight minutes to go over everything at the end." Even typing that made my head hurt, and doing those calculations in the moment will take up way too much time. Instead, get used to keeping an eye on the clock. I personally try to check the time only after I have finished skimming a passage and have answered all the questions for that passage (even though my initial instinct is to constantly check the time). You'll need to figure out what works best for you, but my general advice is to avoid checking the time more than once every few questions- otherwise, you'll end up wasting time trying to save time. If you find you have no grasp of the passage of time when you’re practicing answering questions, trypracticing with a stopwatch set to go off in five- or seven-minute increments. Just remember that you won’t actually be able to do this on test day (that said, the test proctors might give verbal warnings when there are 10 and five minutes left). Learn Time-Monitoring Strategies When looking over the ACT Reading section, mark questions you end up spending a long time on as well as the ones you’re not sure about. Really break down what stumped you about the questions you spent too much time on and the ones you got wrong or were uncertain about. Was it the wording of the question? The type of question? Were you just tired and misread the passage, so you didn't see the answer? Is there a pattern to the ACT Reading questions you're running out of time on? All this data is valuable fodder for your test-prep process, which is toestablish a feedback loop of testing, reviewing your mistakes, and testing again.Be aware that it is essential not to skip over the middle step of reviewing your mistakes thoroughly. Not sure whether running out of time is your only issue? Then read the section on understanding your high-level weaknesses in this article. Mike Schinkel/Flickr Tip 2: Practice Reading Passages and Answering Questions Practicing the ACT Reading questions over and over won’t necessarily make you a faster reader. It will, however, make you better at reading the passages in a way that will help you answer the questions more efficiently.What do I mean by this? I can't dictate the best way for you to read the passages, but if your current approach isn't working, you might want to consider switching it up. The Three Main Methods for Attacking ACT Reading Passages Here are the three primary options you have for approaching ACT Reading passages: Read the whole passage in detail:This is really only a good strategy if you're both thorough and quick as a reader- it's probably the worst option if you're already worried about running out of time. Read the questions first:Figure out what details you need to look for in the passage by reading the questions first; you'll then jump back to the passage to find these details. This method can be disorienting for some people, but for others it really saves on time. Skim the passage, then attack the questions:Get a sense of the content, structure, and purpose of the passage before approaching the questions, and then return to the passage for more detailed information required by specific questions. The more familiar you are with the ACT Reading passages and questions, the more familiar you'll become with the test and the better you’ll know what to pay attention to and when to use which strategy. For instance, if you read the questions before reading the passageand run into a question that has specific lines associated with it (e.g., "In lines 12-42"), you'll know that you must read only those specific lines in order to answer it. Alternatively, if you skim the passage before you answer the questions, you should get used to noticing transition words/phrases such as "however" and "in contrast." These words are important in that they indicate a change in tone. Here's an example: "While some scientists still adhere to the cold-blooded dinosaur hypothesis, recent research has convinced many more others that a likelier hypothesis is ..." We have more strategies, as well as more detailed information on why you might want to choose one approach over the others, in our article on the best way to approach the passages on the ACT Reading section. More ACT Reading Strategies Which passage you read can make a big difference if you tend to run out of time on ACT Reading. If you’re more comfortable with certain subject matter, such as prose fiction,start with those passages and questions rather than going through the section in order.Not only will you be able to pick up some easy points by answering questions you're more likely to get correct, but you'll also be more relaxed when you get to the passages that are more difficult for you since you won't have had to struggle right off the bat. Another strategy is tobubble in all your answers at the end(read more about this in the Quick Tip section of our perfect scorer article). This strategy is only helpful, however, if you can make sure to leave a good four to five minutes at the end of the section to do this,since you don’t want to run out of time before you bubble in answers you got (the ultimate in frustrating). If you can think of other ways to keep yourself from running out of time on ACT Reading (perhaps by using some mindfulness techniques to focus?), that's great. More important than using any one strategy is to use the strategies that work for you. ACT Reading strategies: less complicated than chess strategies (MarkRattapong/Flickr) Tip 3: Practice Taking ACT Reading as Part of the Whole ACT There’s knowing the material ... and then there’s having the stamina to get through it. Luckily, the ACT never varies the order in which material is presented,which gives you an advantage when prepping: you can emulate test-day conditions when you take practice tests by taking everything in the right order. Just like you wouldn’t practice for a triathlon by only doing each activity separately and never doing them all together, or wouldn’t only rehearse a play with scenes out of sequence before opening night, you need to take the ACT Reading section in sequence with the rest of the ACT at least a few times before test day. On the other hand, because ACT Reading is always the third section of the ACT, your brain will probably be tired by the time you get to it.What's more, even after you finish the Reading section, you'll still have one more section to go (the Science section). For me, this really became a factor since my brain got fatigued from focusing on one subject for an extended period of time. But for other people I know, the old SAT's format that switched back and forth from subject to subject was far more difficult (making the ACT a comparatively better choice). Now, though, both the ACT and SAT use a similar format in which the sections always appear in the same order. Another point to keep in mind is that you’ll most likely be taking the ACT on a Saturday morning, so if you’re not a morning person, be sure to do some practice Reading sections in the morning to give yourself a good idea of what your energy levels will be like on the actual test. If you’re more sluggish in the mornings, your reading speed will probably be affected as well; taking practice tests in the afternoon might not give you an accurate picture of how quickly you can do the ACT Reading section under real test conditions. Special Circumstances: ACT Timing Accommodations If you really have trouble with reading in time-constrained situations, you might qualify for special testing accommodations. It's unlikely that prepping for and taking the ACT would be the first time you notice you have major problems with reading;however, it could be the first time you wouldn't be able to compensate for it in other ways (e.g., spending hours and hours on homework and extra credit to make up for low test scores). The ACT does offer accommodations for eligible students who have documented issues, along with information on the steps students must take in order to get accommodations on testing day. But a word of warning: accommodations are far more likely to be granted if students' special circumstances have been documented for a long period of time.ACT, Inc. tends to be leery of students who get diagnosed with something just in time to take the test- they might be stretching the truth in order to get extra time. So how can you avoid getting caught in red tape and having your accommodations held up? Plan and apply for special accommodations earlyif possible- the request process alone can take a while. If you're in middle school or early high school and are having serious problems with reading when compared with your peers, get psycho-educational testing then rather than waiting until it's time to register for the ACT. If, for whatever reason, applying for special accommodations early isn't possible (for instance, if you only recently acquired a hearing or visual impairment), make sure it's clear to the person documenting your condition (the person who will provide you with the information to send to ACT, Inc.) why you are only doing something about this now.They might want you to explain this to them, too, so it’s good to have an explanation ready. How to Save Time on ACT Reading: Recap ACT Reading can be a tricky section for many test takers, but it's definitely possible to save time on it if you know how to prep effectively for it and what strategies to use on test day. To recap, here are our three tips to keep in mind as you study for ACT Reading: Take timed ACT practice tests and monitor your time on the Reading section Get comfortable with answering ACT Reading questions so you can use all strategies effectively Take entire practice tests in sequence at least a few times before test day so you know what to expect If you think there’s a bigger problemcausing you to run out of time on ACT Reading, get psycho-educational testing as early as possible to confirm your condition and to see whether you are eligible for special timing accommodations on the ACT. Now, go forth and read! What’s Next? How do you figure out what’s causing you problems on ACT Reading? Read our detailed post on what's actually tested on the Reading section, our article that covers the best ways to read the passages on ACT Reading, and our ultimate guide to ACT Reading. How long is the ACT overall? Get more tips on ACT timing with our guide. For more tips on how to master the ACT,read our complete guide by PrepScholar's resident perfect scorer. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our classes are entirely online, and they're taught by ACT experts. If you liked this article, you'll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you'll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Try it risk-free today:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Consumer and consumption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Consumer and consumption - Essay Example This "Consumer and consumption" essay outlines the marketing strategies that Coca-Cola used to become the leader on the market. The globalized world has resulted to new borderless markets with numerous corporations crossing geographical and political boundaries to market and initiate operations and investments on a global scale. International marketing leads to a new problem where organizations have to utilize ingenuity, creativity, and huge budgets to attain a competitive edge in the market. This has resulted in international marketing concept; leading organizations to utilize different perspective in attracting customers on a global scale through perceptions and brand images. While a consumer product is made in the factory, consumers in most cases do not buy the product, but the brand, which is perceived to add value to it. This was a statement by Charles Revlon, the founder of Revlon, who noted that in the factory, he made cosmetics, but customers bought hope from the stores. This trend will be strategically portrayed in Coca-Cola Company in manufacturing, marketing, and production of the coca cola beverage that has become one of the leading global brand names in refreshments. The Coca Cola company history began in 1886, when the curiosity of one Atlanta pharmacist Dr. Pemeberton resulted to the creation of a tasty distinctive soft drink, which could be sold in many soda fountains. The strategy was creating flavored syrup, mixing with carbonated water, and giving to neighbors around his pharmacy. Those who tasted the drink exclaimed that it was excellent (Coca Cola, 2011). During the first year, the Coca Cola servings were at 5cents per glass, with the sales being an average of nine servings daily in Atlanta; compare this with the current estimated coca cola servings of about 1.6 billion daily current (Coca cola, 2011). The history that marked the current Coca Cola Company as it is known today dates back to 1894, after the death of the founder; when Biedenham installed the first bottling machinery at the Mississippi soda fountain, which was the first attempt to sell Coca Cola drink in bottles (Coca Cola, 2011). Joseph Whitehead and Lupton developed what i s known as the Coca Cola worldwide bottling system, as it is known to

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Financial Implications of Staff Morale problems Essay

Financial Implications of Staff Morale problems - Essay Example In a report made by the Center for State and Local Government Excellence, most health care organizations have decided to reduce its employee number since the economic downturn. According to the survey that they have recently conducted, the top workforce issues faced by the local and state governments are â€Å"retaining staff needed for core services, reducing employee health care costs, and addressing employee morale and workload problems.† It was also reported that there were 62% pay freezes, 54% hiring freezes, and 41% layoffs. The CEO of Center for State and Local Government Excellence, Elizabeth Kellar, mentioned that "As they face hiring freezes, moral issues, layoffs, and accelerating retirements, more than 70 per cent of state and local governments say staff development is a priority issue." The American College of Health Executives reported that the effects of staff shortages due to layoffs are felt acutely by hospitals and other health care institutions. Now, the hea lth care industry is facing a new dilemma, they must fulfill their responsibility to provide high quality yet affordable patient care and of course addressing low morale problems among its employees. The American College of Health Executives took a stand that â€Å"healthcare executives have an ethical responsibility to address any shortages that exist within their organizations in such a way that patient care is not compromised, existing staff are not unduly burdened and financial costs do not become excessive.†

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Porter Model Essay Example for Free

Porter Model Essay L. Rivalry: In the traditional economic model, competition among rival firms drives profits to zero. But competition is not perfect and firms are not unsophisticated passive price takers. Rather, firms strive for a competitive advantage over their rivals. The intensity of rivalry among firms is very large in case of Jewelry business. There are a lot of big brands and even small small Jewelers are present in the market. II. Threat Of Substitutes In Porters model, substitute products refer to products in other industries. To the conomist, a threat of substitutes exists when a products demand is affected by the price change of a substitute product. In general Jewelry falls under the category of apparels, all over the world. Additionally, in India, Jewelry is often looked as the option for investment rather than apparels. There are a lot of substitutes like equity, real estate, mutual funds, fixed deposits, etc. are available for the target customer. Ill. Buyer Power The power of buyers is the impact that customers have on a producing industry. In eneral, when buyer power is strong, the relationship to the producing industry is near to what an economist terms a monopsony a market in which there are many suppliers and one buyer. Also for Tanishq customers, there is capacity for buying is different for different customers. Quality might be the USP of Tanishq. But, making charges of any Jewelry plays a vital decision in the process of buying from a particular supplier. IV. Supplier Power A producing industry requires raw materials labor, components, and other supplies. This requirement leads to buyer-supplier relationships between the industry and the firms that provide it the raw materials used to create products. Labour in person is a very crucial parameter in Jewelry industry. Also, the 80 to 90% of the selling price constitutes the cost of gold as a raw material. V. Barriers to Entry / Threat of Entry It is not only incumbent rivals that pose a threat to firms in an industry; the possibility that new firms may enter the industry also affects competition. Porter Model By sachinagni

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

English 102 Professor Su Suoccai Arnaud Fragniere 19 February 2014 The different aspects of the Grandmother’s personality in ’’A Good Man Is Hard to Find’’ In Flannery O’Connor’s story ‘’A Good Man Is Hard to find’’, the author narrates the events as a third person, centering it on the grandmother who decides to go with her whole family for a road trip from Georgia to Florida. The grandmother does not want to go to Florida. During the journey she selfishly and manipulatively forces the whole family to go see a plantation that she mistakenly think is on the way. This results in them having an accident and meeting the Misfit, an extremely violent criminal who defies ‘’the beliefs that Christians have in the ability of Jesus to raise the dead’’. As the story develops, the Misfit and his accomplices kill all members of the family except for the grandmother, who up to her death, falsely tries to convince herself and the Misfit that he is a ‘’good man’’. At the end, the grandmother has a moment of grace. However, it proves unavailing as the Mis fit, proceeds to kill her without remorse. Throughout the text we realize that the major trait of the grandmother’s personality is the fact that she considers herself as morally superior. This is based on her belief that she is a ‘’lady’’; sophisticated, wealthy, overall better of a woman. In her eyes, this allows her to judge others. Not only does she see herself as superior, but she thinks that her faith along with her being a good Christian would save her from anything that could cross her path. We discover that she is also extremely selfish and manipulative; for her, her life has much more value than anything else, including the life of her children and grandchildren. To unders... ...e times through the chest. The grandmother’s selfishness and ability to manipulate people fails to help her during the biggest threat that she has to face through her entire existence: her imminent death. Her inability to change the Misfit’s mind and manipulate him the way she wants costs her life. O’connor’s story shows us an old grandmother who considers her as a superior person being powerless against her antagonist in life. The Misfit, this criminal who doesn't believe there is real pleasure in life challenges everything the old lady might say or do in order to live. The old lady tries in vain to save her life using all the tools that she knows, even if she selfishly has to serve this purpose and letting her whole family get killed. The grandmother must abandon all of her manipulative self-absorption, her focus on class and her external show of Christianity.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Case Study On Nando’s Restaurant Essay

Introduction This report is to outline business analysis on Nando’s restaurant in Singapore. In this report, we will perform environment analysis on the market in Singapore. We will make use of SWOT analysis and also PESTEL analysis to perform this. Last but not least we will end it with aconclusion/evaluation to sum the whole evaluation up. Environment Analysis Environment analysis is a evaluation on the possible effects (both internally and externally) and conditions that will affect an organisation survival and growth. In order to develop strategy to move into a new market like Singapore, it is necessary to look into factors that may post a threat to the company or even discover new opportunities for the company. In order to identify this, we will be using the SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity & threats) analysis and PESTLE (political, economic, social cultural, technological, legal & environment) analysis to analyse the factors. 2.1 : Internal and External Factors for Nando’s INTERNAL Inside the Organisation Can be controlled by the organisation. (Example as of below.) HR Strategy Process Culture Money factor Departments EXTERNAL Outside the Organisation Cannot be control by the organisation. (Example as of below.) Government policies Natural disaster Economic policies Competition Diversity of workforce Technology Exchange rate Weather ENVIRONMENT  NANDO’s Opportunity, Threats Strength, Weaknesses SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT analysis is use to evaluate the strength, weaknesses, opportunity and threats involved in a business venture. A SWOT analysis is important as it help companies to inform later steps in planning to achieve their objective. Using SWOT can generate meaningful information on each category and to plan ahead base on the point listed out. Below table 1 is the SWOT analysis on Nando’s. STRENGTHS Branding. Outlets available globally. Australia, Canada, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, UK, USA and many more. This shows how well the business has  developed with so many branches over different country. Healthier Choice. Chickens are delivered fresh and not frozen. Marinated for 24 hours with absolutely no preservatives, MSG’s, colorant or artificial flavouring. Chickens fats are trim-ed and flame grill, making it more healthier. Differentiated. Portuguese Flame grilled chicken. Said to be the best. Sauces are unique with secret recipe that are not let known to public. Competitors unable to copy it’s style. Finances. Business opened globally. Stable business with high revenues. Comparable with it’s competitors like KFC etc.etc. Good internal marketing. Staffs are happy working in the chained restaurants. Good values adopted in the company. Good staffs are driven by good environment and of course better food and services are produced. Affordable price. Price are quite satisfactory even though they are of restaurant based environment. Unique taste. The chicken prepare is combine with a variety of the sauces. Sauces are of different taste, very unique. Other brands are unable to come out with so many different sauces that good. Nutrition Values showed on the menu. Singaporeans are being more and more health conscience. Giving them the option to choose how many calories they want to intake is a plus points to the company. Weakness Not Halad. Singapore is a multi religion country. Muslims consist approx twenty percent of the population. Hence it has not capture the market of the muslim community. Lack of extended services. Major related business like KFC, they offer deliveries and also allows consumers to order online. Nando’s do not have this kind of services that could be offered to the consumers in Singapore. Lack of marketing advertisements. Comparing with KFC, Nando’s are not fully known by people of all ages in Singapore. However KFC do. There were not much advertisement posted either on online platform or even in the media. Not many outlet. As research on the number of outlets in Singapore, there are only a total of nine outlet’s in Singapore so far. Weak R&D. Slows down or even no growth to the company. Competitors will out innovate Nando’s. Lack of promotions to attract customers. Opportunity Government incestives on business from overseas. Singapore government encourage overseas investor to set foot and do business in Singapore. By  giving incentives, Nando’s could do with more outlets or even save a little cost to spend on other areas. Rising demands for healthier food/ choice. Singaporeans are getting more and more conscience in what they eat. A actual figure of the calories for each dish could actually gives Nando’s a boost in their sales as consumers would rather know what they are eating rather than eating what they do not know. Increasing population. Singapore are becoming more and more populated with foreign talents coming in to work and set place in Singapore. Opening more branches, making it almost available everywhere could help Nando’s in increasing it’s revenues. Rising of malls. Government are building more and more malls, giving Nando’s more opportunities to expand it business. Airport. Singapore governments are coming out with T4 and T5. Internet/ use of social media. Singapore are getting more and more IT saavy. People do transactions online. Or look for alternatives in food through online media. CSR. Organising events to shows consumers what the company is doing. Threats Rising cost of livings. Singapore is the most expensive cities in the world. May make consumers to rethink to go for cheaper alternatives when it comes to eating out. Diseases. Nando’s menus consist of mainly chickens. If bird flu were to break out, it will greatly affect the business of Nando’s Competitors. Compeitors giving a better edge/ better promotions/ better advertising techniques could make consumers go to the competitors Most expensive cities. Case of opening 10 outlets in Singapore VS opening 10 outlets in Malaysia. Economic crisis. After conducting the SWOT analysis of Nando’s, the business can be expanded greatly if Nando’s were to go the ‘ E-commerce ‘ way of doing business as what KFC and Macdonald’s are adopting. Nando’s can do with hiring a group of IT professionals to come up with a better webpage that could do all these functions. Nando’s can emphasize more money on it’s advertisement to make it a well known brand in Singapore, being a long term investment in Singapore market. Economics in Singapore is doing not so bad and in long term wise, Nando’s will stand to get benefits out of it. PEST Analysis SWOT analysis is use to study company’s business Strength, weakness,  opportunity and threats in a company. Studying SWOT on a company is not enough. If Nando’s were to move in it’s business available globally, they have to study the country political,economic, social cultural and technology behaviour to enter it’s market in to the country. In this case, PEST analysis is used on Singapore to analysis it’s potential in setting up business in Singapore. The PEST analysis of Singapore is in Table 2. POLITICAL Government seeking foreign investors. GLOBAL INVESTOR PROGRAMME (GIP) http://www.edb.gov.sg/content/edb/en/why-singapore/ready-to-invest/setting-up/entering-singapore.htmlIncestives for business. http://www.edb.gov.sg/content/edb/en/why-singapore/ready-to-invest/incentives-for-businesses.htmlLow level of corruptions. Ranked no.7 in the world and no.1 in asia for least corruption in the economy. http://www.edb.gov.sg/content/edb/en/why-singapore/about-singapore/facts-and-rankings/rankings.htmlStable government. No protest was made to overrule the Singapore government. Singaporeans quite satisfied with the system Singapore government had in place. Uses the Parliamentary system of government based on the Westminster model . http://www.edb.gov.sg/content/edb/en/why-singapore/about-singapore/facts-and-rankings/facts.htmlStrict regulations. Trade agreement. Employment law. Singapore has talented workforce. Government are providing fundings to train professionals up. http://www.edb.gov.sg/content/edb/en/why-singapore/ready-to-invest/setting-up/recruitment.htmlGovernment spendings on Infrastructure. EG. RWS, Casinos, MBS ECONOMIC Low Taxes. Singapore has one of the lowest taxes compared to different country. http://www.edb.gov.sg/content/edb/en/why-singapore/ready-to-invest/setting-up/taxation.htmlBest investments potential. US based research institute Business Environment Risk Intelligience (BERI) ranked Singapore as first out of fifty Major investment destination.  http://www.edb.gov.sg/content/edb/en/why-singapore/about-singapore/facts-and-rankings/rankings.htmlHigh standards of living. Singapore ranked 25 for best place to live work and play. http://www.edb.gov.sg/content/edb/en/why-singapore/about-singapore/facts-and-rankings/rankings.htmlSpending power Unemployment rates. Singapore is one of the countries with the lowest employment rate. http://www.edb.gov.sg/content/edb/en/why-singapore/about-singapore/facts-and-rankings/facts.htmlStrong currency. Income level. Most Singaporean holds job of the medium class level. Basically Singaporean has more people to the medium income and high income class. Impor t and Export access. Strategically located. Labour cost. SOCIAL CULTURAL Busy worklife. Most of the working class people have a busy work life. Some of these people have to work over time sometimes. The cultural in Singapore. Therefore many people will dine out instead of cooking at home. In one family at least 80 percent of the members will be working. Therefore high chance people will dine out instead of having a homecook meal at home. Multi-religion. Statistic shows the largest population is of Chinese in Singapore. Therefore when coming up with strategic planning we will have to focus on this target group. Not forgetting the muslims in Singapore which comes in second place. http://www.edb.gov.sg/content/edb/en/why-singapore/about-singapore/facts-and-rankings/facts.htmlYounger generations taking more to Western culture. Education. Singapore government are focusing to give proper educations to Singapore. Not forgetting foreigner students. They plays a part of Singapore economy when they come over Singapore to study. Aging population. Tech saavy. People in Singapore nowadays carries smartphones around. Ordering of food/ tickets or E-shopping is very common nowadays. Family dynamics. Low birth rates. Fast paced society. People would prefer fast food than casual dining as they can pick and go to fill their stomach before moving on to do other things. Technological Most IT saavy country. A lot of the business in Singapore are starting to adopt the IT way of resolving things. Eg, Using of softwares to get things done. Automated machines etcetc. High usage of IT. Every aspects in life of a Singapore, we can see IT gadget/devices anywhere. For example in buses, people are using ez-link cards to tap on the machines. Topping up cards with self-service kiosk. Advertisements on television located in shopping malls. Ordering of food using ipads. Etcetc) IT are common in SG. High percentage of people owns a laptops, smartphones, desktops to ease their life. These items are easily available anywhere and it is not as expensive as comparable as last time. Their price are very affordable to Singaporeans here. Use of smartphones. Singaporeans use smartphone to communicate, or even making purchase online. Why queue for movie tickets? Where you can make purchase online and collect the ticket afterwards. This make e-commerce rather popular in Singapore. Strong IT infrastructure Ecommerce  IBanking. Singaporeans uses iBanking for solution instead of queueing in the bank for hours to settle and bank related issues. Communication advancement. Credit card Usages High Security Systems One of the key advantage to Nando’s is the high finances. Being a business available globally, it is already making quite a profit out of it. With the help of the Singapore government with the rules and regulations for foreign investor, it will help Nando’s greatly in setting up business here. Attractive labour market , policies, infrastructure and financing efficiency also have make Singapore an attractive place for Nando’s to set foot on. However to expand the business more, Nando’s have to try to get in to IT more has more and more businesses are doing their business through internet platform. By not doing so they have already made one less target consumers to focus on. Conclusion All business benefits from the SWOT analysis. They benefit from completing a SWOT analysis on their compeitiors. PEST analysis can then provide some  feedbacks into the economic aspects by the PEST analysis. These feedbacks is then ranked and and make relatively important strategic decisions. Singapore is a favourable location to set up business here. Of all the four points in the PEST analysis it has fulfil all 4 of criterias to be a effective place to set up business. However Nando’s will have to segments their target consumers to at least target 75% of the consumers in Singapore. To further improve on it’s business it could probably focus it’s business to more of the IT aspects and have their business done online also.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Democracy and Human Rights

Democracy is a very popular form of government. Every nation of the world today either desires to be a democracy or claims to be one. Today, it is a magic word. If truly interpreted it means freedom, justice and equality for all classes of people. Democracy assumes human beings to be basically good, rational and capable of self-restraint. In other words, democracy ensures human rights. Broadly speaking, human rights include right to life, liberty, property and security of an individual which have been guaranteed in our Constitution. Democracy confers certain rights on the people.But unfortunately these rights are abused in the name of resisting oppression. The rights that those systems of governments bestow on everyone need to be balanced by certain duties and limits. Rights give status to each human being irrespective of his or her talents or the lack of them. They imply that each human being counts purely by virtue of the fact that he or she is human and that he or she is entitled to be treated in a particular way. Rights which are largely based on the fundamental objective of social good provide protection from oppression.It ensures protection to every section of society including the neglected and weaker sections against oppression and harassment by the powerful-individual or government. These rights hold that individual entitlements are of such overriding importance that they eclipse all other considerations. The entitlements of these rights are accrued to human beings just because of their being human. Accordingly, every human being is entitled to assert his or her rights. Indeed, it is very difficult to ensure that individual rights will not be violated in a society.However, it is necessary to institute a norm that rights are of such primary importance that whosoever violates, should have good reasons for this, i. e. in the larger interests of society. They should be liable to prove this. No doubt this is the unique characteristics of democracy that ever yone has the freedom to dissent. But there is certain limit to the expression of dissent, if crossed, it may prove dangerous to social fabric and the unity and integrity of the country, as well. In fact, the success of democracy requires certain conditions which include tolerance, compromise, mutual regard for everyone’s rights and freedoms.It requires rational conduct, good character, an intelligent understanding of public affairs, independent judgement, preferences of public interest. People need to think and work in the broader perspective, sacrificing their own self. They are expected to realise their responsibilities towards community and society. Preference to self-interest leads to the emergence of some negative qualities which may be dangerous to the both society and country itself. Such action hurt the cause of democracy and very often paves the way for dictatorship.Democracy in real sense means perfect equality between one man and another and in all spheres of human activity. With its liberal democratic institutions and parliamentary system of government, India stands in good position in case of human rights. Indian Constitution incorporates a vast range of political, social, economic, cultural and religious rights of citizens. For ensuring the rights of all citizens, our Constitution allows for some special provisions for scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other weaker and backward sections of society through the policy of reservation and other means.Untouchability is banned and its practice in any form and anywhere is an offence. Primary education is free and secondary and higher education is subsidised and is being made progressively free. Physical and mental health is recognised as one of the social rights. India has recognised that human rights and democracy are inseparable and one cannot be secure without the other. The existence of the judiciary, free press and voluntary nongovernment organisations, in a way, ensures the protection and promotion of human rights.In this regard the system of public interest litigation immensely helped in establishing the rule of law and maintaining a check on the arbitrary behaviour of politicians and public authority. The role of judiciary is highly appreciable in promotion and protection of human rights. Besides, remarkable achievements made in various fields of life such as education, science and technology, economics, sports, medical science, etc. have all led to better human conditions.Furthermore, the land reform movements and other developmental programmes targeting weaker sections of society have added to the better human rights conditions in India. Labour legislation also constitutes an integral part of establishing better human rights conditions. Despite constitutional commitment and legislative reforms, the age old structure of inequality continues to remain a bitter reality. A significant portion of population is subjected to multiple deprivations. Poverty still rema ins a formidable challenge with 22 per cent of its population living below the poverty line.Education, health care, drinking water, etc. remain a distant dream for a large portion of society. Child labour is still present in society, a large portion of them engaged in various hazardous industries. The difference between male and female wages still persists. There are many instances of violation of human rights of particularly the weaker sections of society. Police force in India is still colonial in their character and behaviour. Charges of human rights violation on the police is almost a daily affairs.The gravest unfortunate reality is that the targeting of civil population has become the scary strategy of the new breed of terrorism unleashed by fundamentalist forces. Latest in the series is the killing of Sohrabuddin Sheikh and his wife in fake encounter at the hands of police in Gujarat. Sometimes the killings of innocent citizens in the name of mistaken identity expose the cruel face of our police. Though the presence of a fair judiciary in India is a matter of great relief, justice is done to the victims and guilty is punished.Thus, there is a need to make them sensitive to civilian needs and human rights. They are required to exercise restraint in exercising their duties. However, it is equally desirable to guard against its misuse by an adversary. In brief, we may conclude that despite instances of human rights violations, India continues to be the largest democracy of the world, having democratic and open society, giving importance to liberty, equality, freedom and people’s other rights with the supreme fair judiciary protecting them.The first Secretary General of the United Nations on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights puts his views in these words, â€Å"Freedom from fear could be said to sum up the whole philosophy of human rights. † Hence, the people of India need to come forward and join hands with the people of the world in t he noble task of making them free from sense of fear and promoting human rights and democracy inseparable to each other.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Always Running

One Author’s Struggle There are choices you have to make not just once, But every time they come up. -Chente In 1993, Luis Rodriguez wrote an autobiographical book Always Running. Within months the Theocratic Right of Book Banning made Always Running their number one target calling it ungodly, antifamily, radical, and harmful. Rockford school district member, Ed Sharp, went to the extent of stating, â€Å"I challenge anyone who knows how the mind works, after reading this book, not to be more likely to assume the lifestyle of a gang person and not to be more likely to have sex in the back of a car† (Sharp). Had Sharp truly read Always Running and comprehended the passion, he would understand Rodriguez is only speaking of true life and real events. On the other hand, Armando Solana, a high school student commented on the novel, â€Å"Reading this book is like living thorough it†¦what I learned from this book is to never give up no matter what† (Always Running preface). Luis Rodriguez like many other’s knows first hand that life is not always what its cut out to be. The quick success of his book, Always Running, has caused a large uproar within the community with it stories of unemployment, drugs, gangs, rape, abortion and prostitution. Even with its forbidden tales, Always Running has won the Carl Sandburg Literary Award, the Chicago Sun-Times Book Award and was chosen as the New York Times Notable Book in 1993. Rodriguez’s aim was not to offend anyone, but merely to open the eyes of his son who had recently joined a gang, Tiffany L. Youngren could not have said it better when she exclaimed, â€Å"Rodriguez wields life together like a tool, splitting stereotype cleanly down the middle and scooping out characters that are complex and whole†¦ the people in his stories abuse drugs, start fights, steal and gang-bang, but they are human above all† (Youngren). Always Running by Luis Rodriguez with its ... Free Essays on Always Running Free Essays on Always Running One Author’s Struggle There are choices you have to make not just once, But every time they come up. -Chente In 1993, Luis Rodriguez wrote an autobiographical book Always Running. Within months the Theocratic Right of Book Banning made Always Running their number one target calling it ungodly, antifamily, radical, and harmful. Rockford school district member, Ed Sharp, went to the extent of stating, â€Å"I challenge anyone who knows how the mind works, after reading this book, not to be more likely to assume the lifestyle of a gang person and not to be more likely to have sex in the back of a car† (Sharp). Had Sharp truly read Always Running and comprehended the passion, he would understand Rodriguez is only speaking of true life and real events. On the other hand, Armando Solana, a high school student commented on the novel, â€Å"Reading this book is like living thorough it†¦what I learned from this book is to never give up no matter what† (Always Running preface). Luis Rodriguez like many other’s knows first hand that life is not always what its cut out to be. The quick success of his book, Always Running, has caused a large uproar within the community with it stories of unemployment, drugs, gangs, rape, abortion and prostitution. Even with its forbidden tales, Always Running has won the Carl Sandburg Literary Award, the Chicago Sun-Times Book Award and was chosen as the New York Times Notable Book in 1993. Rodriguez’s aim was not to offend anyone, but merely to open the eyes of his son who had recently joined a gang, Tiffany L. Youngren could not have said it better when she exclaimed, â€Å"Rodriguez wields life together like a tool, splitting stereotype cleanly down the middle and scooping out characters that are complex and whole†¦ the people in his stories abuse drugs, start fights, steal and gang-bang, but they are human above all† (Youngren). Always Running by Luis Rodriguez with its ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Essay about Bosnia

Essay about Bosnia Essay about Bosnia Essay about Bosnia: Topic Ideas If you need essay about Bosnia, you will find this article useful. We are online 24/7 to help you with writing any essay on any topic and within any deadline. If you are looking for help with writing college essay online or need professional custom writing service, do not hesitate to place an order at our site and get your paper written by professional and experienced essay writers! Here are some tips you may find useful for writing your essay about Bosnia. Introduction is the place to present your topic, formulate the purpose of writing, and state the scope of research Discussion section of your essay about Bosnia may include the historical roots of enmity of the Bosnian people. Analyze origin of crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina. You can describe disintegration of Socialist Federal Republic Yugoslavia. You may show in your essay about Bosnia the first stage of peacemaking (August, 1991 - 1993): Z. Kutilero's plan. S. Vznsa's plan, D. Ouena's plan, etc. Give the reasons of failure of the first stage of peace-making initiates. Consider the second stage of peace-making process - the so-called plan of Contact group. Take into account the Dayton peace agreement: substantive provisions, agreement estimation, etc. Writing essay about Bosnia, review a role of the USA and NATO in the course of conflict settlement. You may need a guide to essay writing:. Essay about Bosnia: Sources of Data The sources which can be used in your essay about Bosnia can be classified as follows: - Official documents of the international organizations, such as the United Nations Organization, the International Tribunal across the former Yugoslavia; - Diplomatic documents, the internal political certificates including the departmental documentation, parliamentary reports, correspondence of officials; - Materials of statistical and auxiliary character; Essay about Bosnia: Custom Writing If you have neither time nor desire to write essay about Bosnia, you have an opportunity to take advantage of our custom college essay help. Our essay writers are experienced; our prices are affordable; and our services are 100% legit. We pay peculiar attention to the smallest details of your instruction and double-check essay about Bosnia for plagiarism. When you buy essay about Bosnia writing service at our site, you can be sure to get a custom written essay which meets all instruction points, is originally and properly referenced! You may also read great article on how to write favorite season essays and review academic tips on persuasive essay writing. Interesting posts: Custom Beowulf Essay Composition Essay Autobiographical Essays Synthesis Writing Steps How to Write a Book Report

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Golf Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Golf - Article Example Aside from which, they are the ones who do not infrequently participate in golf tournaments, hoping to bag another trophy home on a warm & sunny Sunday. There are also what you call â€Å"recreational† golfers that are a bit competitive and at the same time plays the sport to meet new people, pass time or perhaps pave their own entrance to a certain kind of clique that being a golfer suggests. The last type would be the first-timer golfers who were probably tagged along by one of their friends who plays golf or perhaps those that tried the sport just so they can check another off of their bucket list. Indeed, golf is one many splendored thing and the best thing to do before one starts to play golf would be to know why you want to play golf and what is it that you expect from the sport. This is because getting into it does not only change the environment you are in but most importantly can change your life. This is because allowing something new in your life would mean being open to changes in your activities, mindset & attitude. Just like life, with golf, you can expect anything under the sun and with the right expectations comes a disappointment-free